Cargo Shipment Company in Chicago

For the premiere professional shipment company in Chicago, call Transport One at 815-476-9710 or fill out the form on the right and someone will contact you shortly. Transport One offers reliable, fast, professional cargo shipment handling across the entire Midwest. As a cargo shipment company, we take care of the logistics by combining transportation and technology to stay informed and keep you up-to-date on your shipment.

Overweight Cargo Shipments

We specialize in overweight cargo shipments and can facilitate the proper permits and provide the proper transportation vehicles for the job. We have specially reinforced chassis on our tractors to handle overweight cargo shipments safely and in a timely fashion. So call Transport One now for all your cargo shipment needs.

Over 30 Years as A Cargo Shipment Company in Chicago

Transport One has been a cargo shipment company in Chicago for over 30 years now and we handle tens of thousands of cargo shipments per year that ship throughout the Midwest. We offer cargo shipment services but we also specialize in drayage which is shipments over short distances or to destinations that can be reached in a single work shift. Typically drayage shipments are within a 300 mile radius of the pick-up in or around Chicago.

Get Professional Cargo Shipment Service Today

Our substantial fleet of trucks and drivers ensure your cargo shipments will be handled quickly and be delivered on-time. Our customer service is unsurpassed and our professionalism elevates our cargo shipment company to a true logistics giant. We are the cargo shipment company you want handling your goods because we have the best drivers, the best security, and the best shipment tracking available.

To get started, call Transport One today at 815-476-9710 to schedule a cargo shipment or fill out the easy-to-use form along the right and we will contact you shortly with more information.

Questions / Comments?

If you have any questions or comments, please fill out the form below and one of our representatives will be in touch.

Contact Information 1800 CenterPoint Way, Joliet, IL 60436 (815) 476-9710 (815) 476-7210
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